If you have made the difficult choice of getting a payday loan because funds were too low to make it until payday, then you know the high interest rate that’s attached to these short-term loans. When you decide to borrow a few hundred dollars because you’re short again due to the payday loan, you’ll find […]
Rules Employers Need to Know About the Immigrant Worker Protection Act
Immigration authorities, including ICE, are cracking down on illegal workers in California now more than ever. In order to protect workers from sudden worker eligibility inspections, the Immigrant Worker Protection Act was signed into law in 2017, but went into effect in January of this year. Under this new law, employers must take several steps […]
Lawmakers Want to Change Felony Murder Statute
California’s felony murder statute must change according to some lawmakers and their supporters in the state. As it stands now, the felony murder law in California provides that if you participate in a felony and someone is killed during the commission of the crime, even if not by you, then you can be tried for […]
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